What Happens If We Prove My Employer Committed a Wage Violation?

Wage and hour violations are among the most common violations of state and federal labor laws.  Although the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour, many states, including Washington, have a higher state minimum wage.  In all states, overtime pay must be made available for hourly employees after 40 hours of work in a regular week, except in limited specific situations.

Wage and hour violations may take many forms, but they all have one thing in common: the employee is not being paid the full amount he or she has earned with his or her work.  Depending on the facts of a worker’s specific situation, the case may be governed by state law, federal law, or both.

If a wage violation is proven, the employer may have to fulfill several different requirements, depending on what has actually happened.  One of the most common remedies for wage violations is a requirement that the employer make up the difference between what the employee has already been paid and the amount the employee should have been paid for his or her work.  This amount is typically known as “back pay.”

If the unpaid wages include some amount of overtime, the employer may be required to make up the difference according to the applicable overtime rate.  Federal law requires that overtime be compensated at a minimum of one and a half times the worker’s regular wage.  In Washington, state law also allows workers to ask for overtime compensation in time off rather than in pay.  This is typically known as “comp time.”

As a Seattle wage and hour violation attorney with decades of experience, I can help protect your legal rights in the case of unpaid wages and ensure you are paid fairly for the work you have done.  To learn more, schedule a free consultation by calling (206) 324-8969.

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